Scroll to top Component

Scroll to top Component

It generates a button that will take you at the top of window.


import { IoIosArrowUp } from "react-icons/io";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import useScrollPercentage from "@hooks/useScrollPercentage";
export default function ScrollToTopButton() {
  const [showButton, setShowButton] = useState(false);
  const scrollPercentage = useScrollPercentage();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (scrollPercentage < 95 && scrollPercentage > 10) {
    } else {
  }, [scrollPercentage]);
  // This function will scroll the window to the top
  const scrollToTop = () => {
      top: 0,
      behavior: "smooth", // for smoothly scrolling
  return (
      {showButton && (
          aria-label="Scroll To Top"
          className="fixed bottom-20 right-8 md:bottom-[50px] md:right-[20px]  z-40 print:hidden"
          <IoIosArrowUp className="bg-black dark:bg-gray-200 dark:text-darkPrimary text-white rounded-lg shadow-lg text-[45px] md:mr-10" />

There is a hook I am using to get the screen scroll percentage. You can take a look at useScrollPercentage and get the better idea. I have also made a detailed tutorial