Code Snippets
These are a collection of code snippets I've used in the past and saved. These could be useful to you as well.

Textarea Auto Grow
This show how to make text are grow automatically.

Using Supabase Webhooks
It shows how to use Supabase webhooks to revalidate pages.

Setup Supabase Policies
Quick tutorial to setup the Supabase policies to manipulate the data.

Scroll to top Component
It generates a button that will take you at the top of window.

Custom Hook in React (TypeScript)
It contains multiple custom hooks that I made in the journey.

Nprogress Loading
React Component for Nprogress Loading.

Generate TOC from Markdown
It generate the Table of Content from Markdown Content

Generate Formatted Date
It generate the Date like Jan 14, 2023.

DarkMode Context API
It enables to add dark mode switch.