CSS Battle: #10 - Cloaked Spirits

Jul 26, 2022
2 min read
338 words

In this article, I will solve a Cloaked Spirits CSS Challenge on CSS Battle. Let's look at the problem first.


We need to create the following container by using CSS Properties only: Cloaked Spirits


So now look at the Solution and how we are going to achieve this.

Video's Code is a little bit different because in the following CSS code I've used aspect-ratio just to reduce character and to match the width and height which is not mentioned in the video. (Video code also works fine)


<p b>
<p c>


Now let's style the containers.

* {
  margin: 0;
  background: #62306d;
body {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
p {
  position: fixed;
  aspect-ratio: 1;
[b] {
  width: 100;
  background: #f7ec7d;
  box-shadow: -100px 100px #f7ec7d, 
              100px 100px #f7ec7d, 
              0 100px #f7ec7d;
[c] {
  width: 60;
  background: #aa445f;
  border-radius: 1in;
  bottom: 170;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 20px #e38f66, 
              100px 100px #e38f66,
              100px 100px 0 20px #aa445f, 
              -100px 100px #e38f66,
              -100px 100px 0 20px #aa445f;
Tip #1

Note: In CSS Battle you can use 100 instead of 100px. You don't need to define px in CSS. However, if you are using rem or %, you need to pass them separately. That's why in the above CSS code there are no units mostly. For more info visit here.

Tip #2

Minify the code or CSS by using any CSS Minifier. It helps you to reduce the characters in the code which will increase the score.

Minified Version:

<p b><p c><style>*{margin:0;background:#62306D}body{display:grid;place-items:center}p{position:fixed}[b]{height:100;width:100;background:#F7EC7D;bottom:0;left:50;box-shadow:100px -100px #F7EC7D,100px 0 #F7EC7D,200px 0 #F7EC7D}[c]{width:60;height:60;background:#AA445F;border-radius:1in;bottom:170;box-shadow:0 0 0 20px #E38F66,100px 100px #E38F66,100px 100px 0 20px #AA445F,-100px 100px #E38F66,-100px 100px 0 20px #AA445F}

Wrapping up

There are many ways to solve this. You can share your approach in the comments. If you like this then you can extend your support by Buying me a Coffee

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